tis the end

...when is it time to say goodbye
when is the right time to let go
to let go of a relationship
of a friendship, a companion, a loved one
to move one...and say no
and say no again...and again
and not turn back......

when is the right time
to say its over...over....
and mean it....with all of ur being
to know that you have stopped loving them
that you feel nothing but pity for that person
but not know if you will ever love them again

when is the right time....to just
walk away...
before you cause more harm
to give up on that dream
of growing old toghether
of buiding a life toghether

when is the right time
to stop living in denial
and just face the truth

theres never a good time

theres is always a right time
and now is the right time



  1. Letting go of any relationship(good or bad) is by far the hardest thing to do. But I have always believed that for the sake of your own autonomy, being a winner is knowing when to say enough is enough and walking away without looking back. I wish life had an undo button...lool !!


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