play dates

ok call me ignorant...but what the hell is a play date...
i dont want to be ignorant....or a bubble head...but
i do not see the reason why people need to make play dates...
i think the idea is absurd....who came up with it anyway

you see when i was young...i dont think i ever had such
like the whole concept is foreign to me
why do two children need to make a date to play
when we were young...we played all the time
having someone come to our home to play with us ....
or booking an appiontment to play with us....was inexistent

i think....i hope i am right it was because i knew all my neigbours
you see growning up....i lived in several places and my neigbours were always  my friends
i remember we first lived in an estate, in a duplex...but we always had people to play with
we had the neigbours, and our freinds...and cousins
and whenver we felt like playing we  played
we or our parents certainly did not have to book appiontments for us to play
or make it official booking a date....
as a matter of fact
my parents were always trying to get us to stop playing...
i think that why we were never overweight
or obese...or antisocial

i am not trying to blame the "play date " for making kid obese
but kids do not need a date to play
they do not and should not wait for special occasions to hang with friends
they need to just play...whenever...without their parents hooking them up with the ideal play mates

so yeah...i am anti play date
i am pro getting to know your neigbours and just letting the neigbours kids coming over to play
anytime...especially in the summer...when school is out
i am also pro block parties and so the kids can meet their neigbours
and just getting to know their neigbours.....
i have lived in a lot of places in canada....and everyone minds their business....
too much ..its quite annoying
i have never hung out at a neigbours
or gotten to know any of my neigbours
maybe its the winter.....i dont know
but it sucks big time

i grew up in naija
where no one minded their business
where i knew all my neigbours so close that i called them my cousins sometimes....

so anyways middle finger to play dates...and four thumbs to play time.....


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