girl power

Spice Girls in CologneImage via Wikipedia
so we all remember spice girls
i remember them...and what they meant to me when i was young
they was beautiful, fun, smart, and  could say what ever they wanted
they defined their relationships
they laid the ground rules...
they defined what they wanted their relationships to be...
they were girl power....even though they were manufactured puppets
and some would argue...not artists but performers....

but.....this post is not about spice girls....
it is about girl power....and women understanding and using that power

you see...i was talking to a guy recently and he said something to me that got me thinking
he said...that men decided when it was time for a relationship to end
and that a woman can never leave a man...if he does not want her to...
this got me me to totally argue with him....
but .....its actually true...
95 percent of the time....this is the case....
men decide when it is time to move forward with a relationship
they decide or we leave it to them to decide if a relationship should progress to lets see marriage...
its the way the world has been and sadly still is....
it is the status quo....

i believe that this power starts from the first day of most relationships
you see....very few women can /have asked a man out....
i have not...and i am too scared to....
because...society and my culture tells me that it is the mans job to ask a woman out
so we women have to wait ...... and hope that prince charming comes and sweeps us off our feet
and that is the power we give to men...the power to initiate a relationship
and before i move on...why are women who ask men out thought of as desperate
and women who date younger men called cougars
what is the word for men who date their granddaughters classmates....
and yea...a woman who is sexually liberated is considered a slut....

so anyway...yeah men have that power to decide if they want to start a relationship
and for a short while....we women have some power
until we let him past the living room to the bedroom
at that instant we lose our power
and then he gets the power back
from that instant we wait again
for him to get down on one knee and say the magic words
will you marry me....
some women are in  relationships with a guy for 10 years
waiting and hoping that he says those words

and yeah the whole thing about not being able to end a relationship as easy as a man
is not because most women have a low self esteem
i believe most women have a very healthy self esteem
but lets face it...a guy can leave because
he can get another woman in a second....
to men...most women are replaceable
and don't get me wrong are totally replaceable...
but u will replace him in a month or two....
and this goes back to women waiting for prince charming to sweep them off their feet
and even though their prince charming is next door....
they hope that one day he will or ask them out on a date short....(lol...after that long ass essay)
i think women should try and take the power....
take the lead.....ask that hot guy out...or if u too shy introduce yourself....and see where it leads
or if u are in a long ass relationship....that is over 5 years....why so long....
especially if you are one of those romantic die hards
who want to get married and have kids and be a little or big housewife
u better be on ur man's hinting or asking him what the hold is.....
or better yet asking him to marry you.....

so .... i really hope i practice what i preach....
cos i like a strong, independent man
who takes control....but i am also a control freak....


its all about girl power.....

Enhanced by Zemanta


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