first loves

Milano, ItalyImage via Wikipedia
my first love
was the best love ever
he was my everything...but i was not his
he was my first heartbreak....
my only heartbreak
my first love was my best kiss....
the only kiss....i want to have again
he made me smile
he made my happy

he also made me sad
for lets see....i think two years
moving on from my first love....
was really really hard...
u see...time does heal wounds
the pain does go away
but the scars will always remain
a constant reminder of the days past
days when there was always a rainbow in sight

but those scars also serve as a warning
a warning to be oh so....careful
to guard our hearts with everything we have
to never fall so hard again....

so am i totally over my first love
i have moved on....several times
i am very sure he has moved on a million times
but i will always remember my first love...

from a gal whose totally over you.....
Enhanced by Zemanta


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