Today I am Grateful

Today, I am filled with gratitude for the sound of laughter — the kind that lifts our spirits and fills our homes with joy. I am thankful for the peace that surrounds us, a calmness that allows us to breathe a little easier, knowing that life is steady, even in its chaos. I am grateful for the provision that sustains us, for the blessing of a job that puts food on the table and keeps the lights on. Today, I find clarity — in the small moments and in the bigger picture, trusting that everything is unfolding just as it should. I am thankful for the daily sustenance that fuels our bodies and our souls. I’m deeply grateful that my children have the privilege of growing up in a peaceful country, one where we can provide them with not just the basics, but a good life filled with love, opportunities, and comfort. And with all my heart, I hold on to hope. Hope that one day, every child in this world will live in peace. That every family will have the simple but profound gift of a safe home, food on the table, and the warmth of love. That they’ll experience the little joys that make life so meaningful. May we all never lose sight of these simple blessings.


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