Small Blue dot

Today was one of those days
days when my thoughts take over and cloud my emotions
days when even the smallest annoyances become unsurmountable mountains
days when I feel nothing, empty
locked in my head,i  think about how better life could be
I ruminate on all my shortcomings
I ponder on the bad things in life
on dreams yet to come true
on my inadequacy
my fears
my failures

Yes, it was a bad day
and just as I was about to give in
I looked up in the sky
And staring back at me was the light from a distant sun
A star
A reminder, that I was but an atom in the large scheme of things
my problems were but a passing phase
my sadness was just that... sadness and nothing more
I was standing in my yard, on a blue planet in an obscure galaxy
one unremarkable galaxy, in a universe with a billion more galaxies
I was on a pale blue dot

I took breath in
and suddenly felt in awe
in awe of the universe
in awe of the fact that as I stared at that star
I was looking into the past
my present and a past came to exist in a single place in time

Today, was one of those days
one of many days in a billion years
a dot in the sands of time



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