
I want to create
I have an intense need to nurture the creator in me.
To make something new from nothing
to contribute to my quota to the human experience

I have so much that I want to do
So much that I want to learn and to discover
but they all seem almost impossible to accomplish
I yearn to create, but my doubts take over my thoughts and quench every little seed of creation 
I think, no I cant do that, I am too old
or there is not enough time in the day
or I cant achieve that, who I am

But my thoughts also remind me of all those that came before me
people who let their fears and doubts control their destiny
the dreamers who became the realist
the artist who settled for good enough
those who allowed the demands of day to day living put out the fire within
I don't want to be another dead dream
I know I will die, but my thoughts should live on
my contribution to the collective human experience should live on
so I plan to try, try and try
I plan to spend my time in the pursuit of knowledge
in the quest for something more significant than me

I will create
I will contribute
I will live on through my thoughts, my words, and my contributions


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